Dan Weigold

Dan Weigold

Location: Colorado Springs, USA
Languages: English

About Dan

Dan Weigold is the founder of Coach with HEART, and he works with leaders, people in career transition and those with ADHD. Dan delivers customized coaching for individuals or groups who want to improve their leadership potential, teamwork, conflict resolution, anger management, work life harmony, and time management skills as well as managing career transitions.

Industry Experience

I’ve worked at Hewlett Packard (R&D), a large non-profit (Compassion International), and taught college.

Degrees & Certifications

  • MA – Leadership
  • BS – Computer Science
  • PCC
  • ELI-MP (iPec Energy Leadership Assessment)

Dan's Style

We co-create a solution that helps to solve the clients issue.

Client Testimonials

“Dan Weigold is a man whose goal is to see others set and reach their goals. Dan does this by listening and encouraging/coaching others to set long and short term goals. Dan is keen at listening, perceiving and feeding back the values of the person that he is coaching.”

—Kim Walker

“I have been utilizing Dan’s services as a Success and Development Coach since 2009. His knowledge, expertise, and honest desire to see me understand and succeed in my life is making a significant and lasting positive impact.

“No journey towards a rewarding life can begin without an understanding of you and your destination. Dan has helped me understand this and can certainly help you understand this. I highly recommend Dan and his services.”

– George Mudrak

“When Dan first started coaching me I was completey at a loss as to what my own goals were and how to develop them. Through several techniques Dan guided me as I meditated on various aspects of my life and what was important to me. There were times when I would ask Dan what he thought but he wanted me to find my way… not his. I heartily recommend Dan as a coach for anyone who would like assistance and guidance in reaching your goals.”

“I have been working with Dan as my coach now for several months and I recommend him highly to anyone who is looking for a professional, amazing, intuitive, heart-felt and results-oriented coach. His knowledge, ability, connectedness and professionalism set him apart from other people who just merely claim to be coaches. Dan is the real thing. He can work as comfortably with corporate business personnel as he can with private entrepreneurs. His schooling with an accredited ICF institution clearly shows and I personally have had amazing results working with him. His integrity and genuine concern for his clients truly sets him apart from others.”

— Tanya Lelo